Endodontics – Root Canal Treatments

Root canal treatment may be necessary if the tooth becomes inflamed or if an injury has occurred. The treatment is essential to prevent infection from spreading, consequently saving the need for tooth extraction.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is the treatment of the injured, inflamed and necrotic dental pulp including the surrounding bone tissues involved into a dental abscess.

There are specific guidelines for root canal procedures, which the dentist will advise you on and consist of:

  • An anaesthetic is issued to the patient to ease any anxiety and to make the treatment as pain-free and comfortable as possible.  
  • The tooth is then isolated through the use of a rubber dam. This is used for sterilisation purposes and to ensure no more bacteria can enter into the infected tooth.
  • Next, we use high-tech equipment like our microscope and the most advance nickel-titanium instruments to disinfect the tooth alongside with powerful disinfectant to ensure sanitation.
  • Finally, the root canal filling material is used to fill the root canal. This enables the tooth to remain healthy after treatment is completed.

Further information on root canal treatment